Where to Find Sunflower Fields in Tuscany 


During my Tuscan travels,

I posted a photo of this sunflower field, captioned “stumped on this beautiful patch”. Cute, no?

Someone commented, “there is NO way you just ‘stumble’ upon this”…

Ouch, random internet person, I did stumble upon it! And chances are, if you are traveling around Tuscany, you will stumble on a few sunflower fields organically yourself.
But, if you are hoping to guarantee an epic moment and photo in a picturesque Tuscan sunflower field, I got you.

After driving a Vespa around Tuscany for one month (here’s how you can do it too), I found and marked a few more, just for you.

Sunflower Fields in Tuscany

VAL D’ORCIA en route to Pienza and San Quirico d’ Orcia on SP146, be sure to stop at the nearby Chapel Vitaleta and Cypress Road.

MONTALCINO on Via Cassia, which connects Siena to Montalcino heading south just after the roundabout at Monteroni d'Arbia.

CHIANTI by Taverna di Bibbiano where you will find a little restaurant and in the spring/summer fragrant purple fields of lavender.

NORTH OF ROME hard to miss this huge sunflower field off of E80 at 00052 Cerveteri, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy.

CORTONA there are many off of SP32 and SP10, the main roads to get into town.

EXPERT TIP: Remember peak Sunflower Season is mind-June to mid-August. 

Don’t be bummed if you are heading to Tuscany in September. You may missed sunflower season, but this is peak wine harvest time, so look for deep purple grapes in the vineyards.

Have you traveled to Tuscany? I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment below or find me on social media. Happy Sunflower Strolling!

